Business web hosting - different account types

      PHP hosting    web hosting with cpanel control panel

Optimum hosting
Small Business
Optimum hosting
Optimum hosting
UK PHP hosting
  Average current owner ratings
(star rating out of 5)

PHP hostingPHP hostingPHP asp hostingPHP asp hosting

PHP asp hostingPHP asp hostingPHP asp hostingPHP asp hosting

PHP asp hostingPHP asp hostingPHP asp hostingPHP asp hostingAverage rating on UK web hosting reviews: 4.5
Fast disc space 1000 MB 3000 MB 5000 MB
0 5 10
Bandwidth (data transfer) per month 20 GB 50 GB unlimited
MariaDB databases - phpMyAdmin included in your control panel


x 5
Mailboxes supporting POP3 and IMAP - standard mailboxes 10 50 1000
Additional FTP accounts x 5 20
 Web stats
Scheduled tasks x
Cpanel control panel with click installs for: WordPress, etc. x
UK PHP hosting - guarantee Order now >

Purchase using your debit or credit card, bank transfer, or PayPal.

Common features available on all account types

PHP hosting  MySQL included on Small Business and Premier accounts   Optimum web hosting - common features included shown below

All  accounts
I have hosted with Seiretto for around five years now and have nothing but praise for the service they provide.
Find more client comments on the TrustPilot review website
Backup and restore
selected folders or whole website
transfer - php hosting transfer in of your own pre-registered domain (please confirm prior to ordering)
Or just modify your nameservers on your existing domain (leaving the domain with your existing registrar)
PHP provides server side scripting. PHP Extensions available (total 57):
Core, date, libxml, openssl, pcre, zlib, filter, hash, Reflection, SPL, session, standard, litespeed, bcmath, calendar, ctype, curl, dom, mbstring, fileinfo, ftp, gd, gettext, gmp, iconv, imap, intl, json, exif, mysqlnd, PDO, Phar, posix, pspell, SimpleXML, soap, sockets, sqlite3, tidy, tokenizer, xml, xmlwriter, xsl, zip, mysqli, pdo_mysql, pdo_sqlite, xmlreader, xmlrpc, clos_ssa, i360, timezonedb, sodium, mailparse, imagick, mcrypt, ionCube Loader, Zend OPcache
PHP Hosting
Unlimited email addresses (email aliases)
Unlimited email forwarding
Unlimited email auto-responders
Catch-All email
Junk email filters
Webmail - access your email from anywhere in the world

Other Features

All  accounts
7 day money back guarantee if not satisfied
Online file manager
Password protected directories, and IP blocking
FTP account
php hosting Support via online support database, email
DNS Management for your domain name
Webalizer graphical website stats
Stats logfile download & AWStats graphical website stats

Hosted Email - this can be used where the hosting account space allocation is being consumed by large email accounts.  This is for a single domain name and can be split across any number of alias on that domain.  ie: sales@your-domain - Each hosted email account can be upgraded to 50GB when required, and includes FREE migration of existing mailboxes. 
Mailboxes start at 5GB of space, cost per year:


Additional web space (for both website and email combined) - per 5000 MB per year: £99

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